“We have been advising Equity Estate for over 15 years and have greatly enjoyed the relationship and seamless collaboration with the Equity Estate team.

Jean-François Vandenberghe, Lawyer (partner), Baker & McKenzie, Brussels

Privacy statement equity estate


Equity Estate is a full service ‘boutique’ management company. We are solely focused on real estate. In this Privacy Statement we inform you about how Equity Estate handles your personal data. This Privacy Statement applies to the processing of the personal data of the contact people at our partners, business relations and referrers, as well as to the visitors to our website www.equityestate.nl.

Equity Estate Holding B.V. is the controller for the processing of your personal data. We may amend this Privacy Statement from time to time, if there are changes to how we process your personal data, for instance, or if this is necessary on the basis of regulations.

Content of the Privacy Statement:

  1. To whom does this Privacy Statement apply?
  2. What personal data does Equity Estate process in relation to you?
  3. For which purposes do we process your personal data?
  4. What is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data?
  5. How did we obtain your personal data?
  6. How long do we keep your personal data?
  7. Who has access to your personal data?
  8. Transfer of personal data to countries outside the EEA.
  9. How do we secure your personal data?
  10. Your rights.
  11. Cookies.
  12. Third-party websites.
  13. Our contact details.

1. To whom does this Privacy Statement apply? 

This Privacy Statement applies to everyone who visits our website and to people whose personal data are processed by Equity Estate Holding BV and its affiliates (Equity Estate) in the context of its provision of our services.

People whose personal data are processed by Equity Estate in the context of its provision of services are:

  • Contact persons at our partners;
  • Contact persons at our potential partners;
  • Contact persons at our business relations;
  • Contact persons at our referrers;
  • Recipients of our communications, such as invitations for events organized by or in cooperation with Equity Estate;
  • Visitors to our website www.equityestate.nl;
  • People who contact us otherwise or whose personal data we process otherwise in the context of our service provision.

2.What personal data does Equity Estate process in relation to you?

The personal data we process in relation to you are:

  • Personal data you have provided to us;
  • Personal data obtained from other sources.

Personal data provided by you:

    • contact details and other personal data which are needed for our services to be rendered, or to be included in agreements These are details such as your name, address, telephone number, bank accounts and identity documents;
    • contact details and other personal data filled in on contact forms or other web forms. The precise content of the data depends on the content of the contact forms and web forms;
    • contact details provided during initial meetings, events, seminars, etc. These may include details provided on business cards;
    • Other personal data that are provided by you.

Personal data obtained from other sources:

    • personal data available on public social media platforms such as LinkedIn. These are names and contact details;
    • personal data obtained from the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce and the Land Registry Office. This could include a Chamber of Commerce number and contact details;
    • personal data available on public websites, such as company websites;
    • personal data available on the internet, Thomson Reuters WorldCheck and other platforms.

3. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

We may use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To perform a contract in which you have engaged Equity Estate to provide you with services. 
  • To include in contracts entered into by our partners. Data from other parties involved may also be processed.
  • To include in contracts with our business partners.
  • To invoice for services rendered.
  • To comply with our statutory obligations.
    As asset manager and corporate services provider regulated by De Nederlandsche Bank, the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act (WWFT) and the Supervision on Trust offices Act 2018 (Wtt 2018) requires us to obtain and document certain information. This includes, among other things, a copy of an identity document (passport), personal data regarding the ultimate beneficial owner, sources of wealth, place of residence etc. 
    The State Taxes Act requires us to process and save certain personal data.
  • To stay in contact with you.  

    We feel it is important to contact you with information that is relevant for you. We combine and analyze the personal data available to us in order to be able to do so. Based on this, we determine what information and channels are relevant and which moments are most suitable for providing information or making contact.
  • To prepare analyses
    • Behavior data:
      Personal data that Equity Estate processes on your behavior, such as your preferences, opinion, wishes and needs. We can derive, amongst other things, these data from inbound telephone conversations and email contact with our employees.
  • To improve and secure our website.
  • To monitor access to the office building and protect safety.

When you visit our office, we take down your name upon arrival. There are surveillance cameras on the exterior of the office building, at the entrances and the exits of our office building, in the basement car park belonging to the office building and at the reception desk. We do this in order to have a record of who is in the building in case of an emergency and to ensure that unauthorized people cannot gain access to the building. In principle, the camera footage will be destroyed within 4 weeks. 

  • To perform audits.

 4. What is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data?

We process your personal data only when this is permitted on grounds of one of the legal bases cited in the GDPR. We are guided by the following legal bases:

  • Consent
    • If we have requested and obtained your consent to process your personal data, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time. You can do this by contacting us:

Equity Estate Holding BV
Transformatorweg 76

1014 AK Amsterdam

  • The processing is necessary in order to establish a contract or in the run-up to the establishment of a contract
    • If you give us an assignment to provide services, if we engage in a joint venture, or if you enter into a contract with one of our partners, we process personal data if and to the extent this is necessary in order to perform the assignment, the joint venture conditions and/or other contractual conditions, and to conclude the contract with our partner.
  • Statutory obligation
    • As asset manager and corporate services provider regulated by De Nederlandsche Bank, the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act (WWFT) and the Supervision on Trust offices Act 2018 (Wtt 2018) requires us to obtain and document certain information. This includes, among other things, a copy of an identity document (passport), personal data regarding the ultimate beneficial owner, sources of wealth, place of residence etc. 
      The State Taxes Act requires us to process and save certain personal data.
  • Legitimate interest
    • We may also process personal data if we have a legitimate interest and this does not breach your privacy disproportionately. We use your contact details to invite you to events, for instance, or to discuss new business opportunities.
    • We also have a legitimate interest if we use your personal data to contact you after you have approached us yourself.
    • We do not always need permission to contact you. If we obtain your email address as a result of providing services, we can offer you similar services via direct marketing. In that case, we have a legitimate interest in offering you these services.

5. How did we obtain your personal data?

We obtain other information if you actively provide it to us. For example, if you are or become a partner of ours, if you sign up for events, or if you send one of our employees an email.

We also obtain information from third parties, such as personal data from the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce and the Land Registry Office, or personal data available on public websites. We also obtain information from social media sources like LinkedIn.

We are also required to obtain information from Thomson Reuters Worldcheck.

6.How long do we keep your personal data?

We will not keep your personal data longer than strictly necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.
Unless statutory requirements obligate us to keep your personal data longer:

  • We will delete your personal data if you have withdrawn your consent or have decided to opt out.
  • We will delete your personal data from our contact database within three years from the day our business relationship ends.

Camera footage will be destroyed within four weeks, unless there is an incident which requires us to hold on to the footage for longer.

7. Who has access to your personal data?

Your personal data are only accessible to people at Equity Estate authorized to access them on a ‘need-to-know’ basis. Outside of the situations mentioned in this Privacy Statement, we will not disclose your personal data unless we deem this disclosure necessary in order to satisfy our statutory obligations, to protect our rights or someone else’s rights, or to enforce compliance with this Privacy Statement.

Sometimes it is necessary to share your personal data with third parties. Depending on the circumstances of the case, this may be necessary in order to perform our services. There are also statutory obligations which mean that personal data must be passed on to third parties

Personal data are provided to third parties in the following cases, among other things:

In providing our services, it may be necessary to share your personal data with third parties. For example, when concluding a contract, or to comply with information requirements of banks with regard to obtaining finance.

If a court order requires us to provide personal data to third parties, we must comply with that.

Your personal data are not shared with third parties for commercial purposes of that third party.

Personal data may also be provided to third parties in the event of a reorganization or merger of our business or sale of (part of) our business.

We may engage service providers (processors) for the processing of your personal data, who process personal data exclusively on our instructions. We conclude processing agreements with these processors which fulfil the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We work with service providers who provide SaaS (software as a service) solutions or hosting services. There are also ICT service providers who help us keep our systems secure and stable.

8. Transfer of personal data to countries outside the EEA

The data will be documented and saved in the Netherlands. The personal data contained are not transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) unless this is necessary for the performing the contract for services.
When your personal data are processed, your personal data may be shared with third parties. These parties may be located outside the EEA. When applicable, we have taken appropriate security measures for sharing the personal data.
We can transfer these data if this is necessary to perform the contract for services, or to investigate business opportunities.

9. How do we secure your personal data?

We do our utmost to take appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect against the loss, abuse and alteration of your personal data for which we are responsible.

To ensure the security of your personal data, we have taken the following technical and organizational measures, among other things:

  • Availability and continuity: We do our utmost to ensure optimal availability and continuity of our website and our systems.
  • Device management and security: Exclusively devices managed by Equity Estate have direct access to our systems. Devices that are not managed by Equity Estate only have access to our system via a VPN connection secured by means of passwords.
  • Physical security: Our building is secured by physical access control and camera security. Only people authorized to access our building may enter.
  • Authorizations: The access to our systems is protected via role-based security.
  • Thread protection: Various systems have been put in place to prevent unauthorized access and exchange of personal data.
  • GDPR design: Every new system we consider adopting must be tested in advance for the principles of privacy by design and privacy by default.
  • Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA): Before we put a new system into use, we will also subject that system to a data protection impact assessment, if required by law.

10. Your Rights

You have various privacy rights pursuant to the privacy regulations.

You can request: 

  • to inspect the personal data we process in relation to you.
  • to amend your personal data or supplement these if you believe that the personal data we process in relation to you are incomplete or inaccurate.
  • to have certain personal data relating to you erased.
  • to have your data transferred to another party.

You can also object to the processing of your personal data.

For more information on the rights you can exercise on the basis of the privacy regulations, please see the website of the Dutch DPA. See the website of the Dutch DPA (www.autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl) for an overview of your rights under the privacy regulations. In cases that arise, you also have the right to submit a complaint to the Dutch DPA.

11. Cookies

Equity Estate does not use cookies on its website.

12. Third-party websites

Our website contains hyperlinks to websites of other parties and social media buttons. We are not responsible for the content of these websites or the services of the particular social media platforms. Nor is Equity Estate responsible for the privacy policy and use of cookies on those websites and social media platforms.

13. Our contact details

Please contact us, if you have any questions or comments with regard to how we handle your personal data::

Equity Estate Holding BV
Transformatorweg 76

1014 AK Amsterdam