Equity Estate is a predictable and professional partner and keeps to agreements made.
Ben Vos, CFO, Vos Logistics, Netherlands
Hill Top was launched by Arzan Wealth (DFC) and Equity Estate in October 2017. The investment criteria are based on core and core + assets, with 10 year + leases and reputable tenants in the Benelux and Germany.
The first acquisition was the NWO building in The Hague, which was closed in October 2017 (Hill Top 3).
The second acquisition was the Quarter Offices buildings, which was closed in April 2019 (Hill Top 4).
The third acquisition was the RTL building in Hilversum, which was closed in February 2021 (Hill Top 3).
The fourth acquisition was the Eempolis building in Amersfoort, which was closed in July 2021 (Hill Top 5).
Equity Estate holds interest in the investment vehicles between 5% and 10%.